Amir Hassan Karamlou

Amir Hassan Karamlou

Scholar Title

MIT EECS | Lincoln Labs Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Enhanced Readout of Spin Qubits




Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Research Areas
  • Devices
  • Optics & Photonics

Dirk R. Englund


Over the past decade the nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond has demonstrated a great potential for solid state quantum information processing. However one of the biggest challenges in using NV as a qubit is the readout of its quantum state. Typically this is done through measuring the fluorescence emission rate of the NV under laser drive which is correlated to its electronic spin state. Throughout this project we are planning to enhance the emission rate and the farfield collection efficiency of NV center’s fluorescence using local photonic nanostructures in order to increase the readout fidelity of the NV spin at room temperature. This will allow us to perform ultra-fast read out of the NV center taking us one step closer to realizing scalable solid-state quantum computation.


Ever since the beginning of my MIT experience I have been UROPing in the Quantum Photonics Lab conducting research on nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond. I enjoyed my research experience a lot and that was the main reason I chose to participate in the SuperUROP program. I will be working on the enhanced readout of spin qubits during the program in the hope of having an impact on quantum computing.

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