Amber  Meighan

Amber Meighan

Scholar Title

MIT EECS MITRE Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Clinical trial Product Accountability with Blockchain




Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Daniel Weitzner


Securing Government Transactions with Blockchain
We are living in an extremely data dependent society. We have a lot of sensitive data that needs to be modified periodically and properly secured. There are plenty of current solutions that address how to do this in a private system. However our data is vulnerable as soon as it leaves that trusted source. This study seeks to fix this problem by showing that blockchains can be used to secure provenance of sensitive medical data used by clinical trials. Hopefully this solution can be used as a model to guard against data falsification and trial misconduct by regulatory agencies and clinical trials companies.


I’m a Senior majoring in EECS. I’ll be exploring enterprise applications for Blockchain technology as well as exploring where it can fall short. I’m excited for the new experience and knowledge I’ll gain through my SuperUROP research. The applications of blockchain technology is wide and I can’t wait to better understand them soon.

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