Albert Wu
Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Implementing an Ankle Exoskeleton to Reduce Running Metabolic Cost
- Robotics
Hugh Herr
Exoskeletons are wearable robotic devices that can enhance or restore human functions. Among the challenges of modern exoskeletons is the fact that reducing wearer metabolic cost creates a fundamental obstacle to producing a practical device. In this research, an ankle exoskeleton with novel design will be proposed and implemented. The ultimate purpose is to demonstrate that exoskeletons can successfully reduce metabolic cost. Results from this research can pave the way for developing future exoskeletal devices that further enhance or restore human functions without a metabolic burden on the user.
I seek to explore the interdisciplinary field of robotics with SuperUROP. In addition, I want to apply what I learned in real life. I am very excited to learn more about exoskeletons and look forward to the upcoming research work.