Kathrine Bretl
MIT AeroAstro Lincoln Laboratory Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Concussion Mitigating Inverted Football Helmet
Raul Radovitzky
In this SuperUROP, I will analyze, design, fabricate, and test a novel concept in helmet technology. This Inverted Helmet has already demonstrated guarantees of mitigating concussion, and holds the promise of making football a safer game. I will be involved in the design and production process. To accomplish this, I will analyze various materials and determine how they can be placed such that the maximum force is dissipated. Existing sensors will be used in testing, and the general requirements of helmets will still be heavily considered- donning/doffing, sound propagation, comfort, and other elements. In order for the game of football to continue to have an important stake in society, something about the helmet has to change, and I hope to be a huge contributor this year.
Academic excellence was the driving factor in my decision to attend MIT, but now in my senior year, Ive realized that though MIT academics are top-notch, it is opportunities like SuperUROPs that truly make us, as students of the Institute, stand out. After 6 semesters of UROPing, I am thrilled to conclude my MIT career with an opportunity to further hone my research skills through the SuperUROP program.