Derek  Garcia

Derek Garcia

Scholar Title

MIT EECS | CS+HASS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Taming AI: Analysis and Remedies of the Unintended Consequences of AI-Powered Social Media





Research Areas

Asuman E. Ozdaglar


We are a multi-disciplinary team investigating human decision-making within AI-powered large-scale socio-technological systems. We are interested in developing principles for optimizing such systems to preserve the well-being of their users and promote positive societal outcomes.

We intend to develop a fundamental understanding of how human behavior and cognition on digital platforms interact with platform algorithms and incentives. As a first step, we will examine two individual-level factors: individual preferences and knowledge, and cognitive weaknesses. We will then incorporate into our inquiry a systematic study of the incentives and strategies of technology platforms.


I am participating in SuperUROP to get the most out of the research opportunities offered. My summer experiences interning at social media companies allow me to understand what goals they chase. I hope to learn what it takes to create an academic grade research project and be able to share my findings with all types of parties. I am excited to apply a whole array of knowledge that I have learned during my time at MIT.

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