Tal  Tchwella

Tal Tchwella

Scholar Title

MIT EECS - VMware Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Flexible Security Mechanism for Linux




Nickolai B. Zeldovich


The built in security mechanisms in the Linux kernel, are underutilized, and most are not installed by default. Moreover, the complexity of the existing security mechanisms adheres integration, due to compatibility issues. My works aims to create a new security mechanism for Linux that is flexible in its nature by allowing security to be provisioned on application level, and by allowing backward compatibility to previous kernel version. By providing these factors in a new security mechanism, the goal is to make it accessible for all, by integrating it to the mainstream kernel branch.


I researched with Professor Pattie Maes from the Media Lab different interfaces for users to interact with data. I managed consumer and enterprise products for Microsoft and IBM Research, and learned the industry processes associated with product development. I served in the Israeli Defense Forces as a software developer and a developer lead, working on various projects.

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